October 28, 2006

my current favourite picture of littleE at the moment

as you can tell from the post time, I'm having trouble sleeping at the moment, I think this is the worse jet lag I've ever suffered (apart from the time I got a lung infection and collasped on the plane to wake up to an oxygen mask and the cabin crew trying to undo my bra...better than smelling salts to bring you around that is...)
It might have something to do with getting littleE back to his usual sleeping through the night routine.
Like him, I seem to have hunger pains at 3pm...I think I ate an entire packet of Jaffa cakes in the first night mmmnnn chocolate mmmmnnn orange...and now that I've got him off night feedings my boobs are going to explode again.
I now have this theory that WonderWoman must have been breastfeeding to get those cone hard breasts...though the teeny tiny waist blows that out of the water!
Anyho...off to make a nice hot drink of milo and surf youtube for entertainment.