March 30, 2007

Friday Feast

What are you proud of?
I've changed enough to manage to find someone who loves me as much as I love them.

What is the best thing you’ve ever won as a prize?
When I was living in the UK I won an all expenses paid trip for two to Milan and 1000 quid spending money...I put my 5 closest girlfriends in the jar and drew out Linda, who loves fashion the most anyway, and we had a BALL...bought a wonderful pair of Italian sandals I'm never going to give away even if I now have post pregnancy feet

Name something you do that is a waste of time.
Surf every day and look at the pictures...I'm addicted

Main Course
In what year of your life did you change the most?
1999 - went overseas, went to Findhorn, travelled to the places I wanted to and started a new life with only selected past baggage that I chose.

Where is a place you consider to be very tranquil?
Looking out on the river in Merrill (or any body of water for that matter)

Rhino head

Yesterday LittleE took a dramatic tumble out of his high chair just as I went to pick him up and crash landed on his head and shoulder. I don't know who was more shocked, but he started howling first, and all I could think was "I've broken the baby"
I scooped him up and we both howled together while I checked him for broken limbs and head injuries. I think he might have been crying cos I didn't catch his spectacular leap, but I know I was crying from guilt for not catching the acrobat.
I decided I didn't want to test the rapid response of the linc ambulance (though I know they always need something to do) and rang the doctors, who wanted to see him even though he had no serious fall signs other than the bruise.
Lorraine came along for the ride to make sure he stayed awake...and to talk me off the very tall tower known as "Worse Mummy in the World" and after he howled at the DRs he was passed all clear.
I spent the rest of the day alternatively cuddling him and checking for dilated pupils, vomiting and changes in behavior...somewhat consoled by the fact that MIL told me M had also survived a tumble down the stairs not much older.
So today LittleE has a big round bruise, a new name "rhinohead" and we have a reminder from the garage door guys that skateboards will be much much to look forward to

March 16, 2007

Just write

Still finding it hard to get back to bloggin, even when I have posts buzzing around in my head...I blame Dooce, Mr Angry, Jonny B and some chick from Belgium with a twattish boyfriend, I'm completely intimidated by their writing. get to the end of their daily posts and find myself tongue tied...or is that fingertied?
Maybe I should challenge myself to a week of not reading and writing with the reward of reading at the end of it. But first I have to put the washing on and check out small fluffy creatures...sigh...