August 09, 2005

Parking...what parking?

I think Americans might be a bit 'afeared' of parking...maybe it;s the big ass cars, maybe its easier to park in first gear (instead of trying to figure out what the automatic gears might do), maybe it a genetic lack of a parking gene, but I for one, am grateful. When I pull into the underground car part a little late (like this morning), spaces near pillars and beams....oooooooh...scaaary pillars and beams...are usually free...and closer to the building - yay for that.
However, I have learnt that it not a good idea to park in the spaces next to the trolley returns (where there is usually a gap at the supermarket). Maybe it has something to do with winter and a desperate need to get into the car before you turn into an icicle, or possibly the overwhelming influence of Nascar, but I've seen a lot of trolleys shoved in the general direction of the returns section by people looking the other way, and once one go careering past (not downhill...there are no hills in Illinois) with no one watching but me...and yes, i did stop it crashing into a car. Not sure why they don't push them neatly into the lines every time....maybe some people just can't park!

1 comment:

Gordy said...

Funny, I have seen trolleys, plastic ones being blown across the lot in the spring time too