October 26, 2004

4 days to go

The house is a halfpacked bombsite..the NTL people have not turned up to pick up the cable boxes and we're knackered - not bad for a Tuesday!. I think we've spent about 4 hours on hold to NTL so far. They were supposed to pick it up yesterday morning at 8 and when I finally go through to someone they suggested a new appointment next week...um NO...we'll be in Russia...well how about leaving it with a neighbour...um NO, we wouldn't dream of asking them to stay around waiting for your guys to NOT turn up, and besides most of them work...so how about sending it to us...let me think about that for a moment...two heavy cable boxes and wires to that we pay to post to Scotland...um NO WAY. They can't tell us a depot to drop them off at and they can't tell us when someone can come and they don't seem keen on us leaving them outside the front door in a plastic bag...today it's M's day to call them, just checked with him and he says the supervisor is going to ring him back. He told them that if she didn't by 5pm that he would ring the president of the company. Hokey dokey...you'll have to wait for tomorrow for the next exciting installment of the NTL saga.
Need a mental break from looking at the spreadsheet I'm working on so went to look at the hotel we're staying in Moscow for 2 days...holy cow, I think the words 'it looks like a wedding cake' spring to mind.
Tommorow I'm sending this link out to all with our new address...hope no one gives me too much of a hard time!

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