September 06, 2004

it's a family thing

a wonderful thing has just happened. My cousin Wendy from my dad's side has just contacted me. I've not had much to do with them as they were older than us, and lost touch over the years. My other cousin Susan saw our wedding website and passed it onto her. How is cooler as you get older. I've been quite envious of the relationship M has with his cousin so maybe I can mend some fences and have a wee bit more of that myself.
My left cubicle buddy has a bad cold but has noblely decided to spare showing me the yello phlegmn..and I'm grateful for that two...two good things today...oh and I just got tickets for the NZ/Aus ICC champions trophy match next thursday...keeeeeeeweeeeeeeee...sun, cricket, a day off and the possibility of whupping Aussie ass is a pretty good day out...

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