February 18, 2005

Doors, floors and foreign shores.

Finally getting around to getting the lovingly painted (4 coats!) interior doors back on. I've checked the DIY manual and the FIL but despite hanging them from the top first I still can't manage to get the middle and lower hinges to line up...so the new method is do the top one then unscrew the bottom two, put the hinge pins on and screw them back on the door. Seems to work except the bathroom door now sticks out at the top and won't close.
At this point I gave up and went to watch the start of survivor...cracking start too. Still, not quite the same if I can't ring mands and talk to her about it.
and as for the doors...oh well, if B&S (handypersons extrodinaire) can't figure out why when they come down this weekend then I'm calling Jack, Carrons dad who is like god of fixing things, and should probley have a website called www.bestnzdadatfixingthings.com
I'm going to do the other 3 tonight (M does not seem to be particularly inspired to help at the moment - though to give him his due, we're both addicted to CSI, and should be able to commit the perfect crime should we ever want to) so hopefully if they shut ok, then it must just be something about that door.
and the other thing we did yesterday was start the great house hunt. Never mind being green with envy about getting an email from D&R about moving into their new built house, we're just starting to look. What an eye opener. Several years of watching 'House doctor' in the UK lead me to believe that everyone would realize that you should at least vacuum your carpet if you are going to show your house...not to mention getting smelly pets out. But not these two. I know you need to look outside of the decor etc and look at the bones of the house, but still, cat pee in the basement and a master bedroom furnished like a dusty wild west saloon (complete with swinging doors on the wardrobe) can be a little distracting.
Neither house is what we want, though I'm not sure we exactly know what that is either, but we can agree that next to big road and needing lots more construction than pushing a few walls out are probably not the way to go.
Still it's given us(well me at least - the boss just wants it all to be over like a bad dream) a bit more inspiration to get cracking so we can put ours on the market...though I'm wondering what people will say about it (probably that we are boringly tidy and have some strange pictures)
and the foreign shores bit...my blister(sister) is officially booked (it was our chrissy present to her thanks to the vast amount of miles we accumulated last year) and will be in the US on the 24th of July...she drives me nuts and it's probably better if we never live together again in our lives, but I love her to bits and miss her...besides, think of the savings on telephone bills.
toodlepip til next time

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