April 01, 2005

Wednedsday weather watch

5:37am - Birds tweeting, husband snoring, sun starting to get through the blinds
8:31am - Meeting going well, sunlight glinting of the pond seen through the window
11:31am - Strange flavoured chicken thing for lunch, wind making the wavelets on the pond dance and sparkle
2:45pm - Admin Assistant comes to tell us we're on tornado watch, assured by locals that tornado's have not been seen for years
5:02pm - Dark, stormy, wind lashing heavy rain on the windows, animals in twos heading for a large wooden boat (OK - kidding about the animals bit)
6:00pm - Darker, rumbles of thunder every few seconds, lightning flashes distracting me from spreadsheet
6:18pm - Lighter outside like normal evening again, head off to have margarita's with workmates
9:32pm - Rain spatters on car on way home, not cold though (might be wearing a margarita overcoat)
2:37am - Wind sounds like sirens, can't get back to sleep
5:42am - Strong winds, floods and tornado damage elsewhere - spring has been cancelled for today

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