March 30, 2005

puff puff stairs...puff dammnit puff

Today I have a new fitness goal, to see if I can walk up the 5 flight of steps on the inside of the building without huffing and puffing at the top...with a secondary goal of not having legs that feel like concrete as well.
I swear I thought I had climbed Everest this morning and was looking for a sherpa with an oxygen tank by the time I got to the top. No sherpa, no oxygen mask, not even a friendly St Bernard with a wee barrel of brandy, so I just hauled ass to the office and collapsed in my chair to type this post.
I know for sure that I lost the use of my legs the moment I set foot on this soil, and have sat in a car for the last 5 months. I don't even have the weather to blame anymore, it's a gloriously sunny day today and birdies were singing outside the bedroom window before.
M pointed out a robin red breast on Sunday. It's breast was the darker orange shade of red so they shall be robin rust breasts from now on.
anyhoo, time to get to the gym we have joined tonight and get that aerobic fitness level up, so I can take on the great stair challenge everyday. I have a vague recollection Allison induced me to sign up for a volleyball team made up from the tech team soon as well...eeek.
There's a step class at 5:30 and yoga at 6.30 and a whole slew of machine exercises they gave me the other day...if I can just remember what to do on each machine I should be home and hosed. Sooooo looking forward to it.
Ciao for now

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