March 22, 2005

been a few days

and you should all be tired of the house pictures by now. Not really been up to much, the realtor came round to look at our house before taking us to see more (one possible - others no) and pronounced it all good.
Though we have to clean the front, which we knew, just waiting for a nice day (might be a while)
M is off in sunny Houston today and tomorrow for work of course...there better be a bit of sunshine leaking out of his suitcase when he gets back.
Finally went to get the health assessment done at the gym and found out I have relatively high lets do a tally
I'm 37
I need 2 root canals, one to be replaced by a crown and the other by a titanium post and fake tooth once the artificial bone has grown in
I have bursitis in my hip, currently treated by cortisone injection and exercises
I wear orthotics in my shoes, glasses on my head and drink aloe vera juice for IBS
How the hell am I going to make it past 40!
oh well, just reminded myself why i have to get serious about exercise again...sigh
need that flexibility to get me past 50
and on that cheery note: back to work.

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