March 01, 2005

Pie time

Today's it's a recipe...the MIL wants it as I cooked it last time they were all down here(or is that up here as they're in Florida at the moment)

Translations to American words are provided alongside. I haven't used a recipe for this since I was feel free to experiment until it tastes good to you. I like the meat to taste meaty (It should sort of resemble dog food but I won't suggest using that as a substitute)
I've written it in the order I do things to make it. (if I make this in the Le Crueset then I just put the potatoes on top when I'm finished with the meat, whack the whole thing in the oven, open a bottle of wine and I'm done.

Shepherds/Cottage Pie(If you use lamb mince it;s shepherd and beef mince makes it cottage!)
Work out which dish you are going to finish it all up in. This should make enough for 2-3 hungry people
Cut up and put to boil enough potatoes to fill 1/3 of the dish when mashed (cut up they should fill about half the dish before cooking)
Put a good dollop of olive oil in the bottom of a large frypan or saucepan and tip the mince(ground beef) in and start browning it on a medium heat. Break it up into chunks but don't mush it up to much. While that's cooking chop up a medium onion and put that in to cook, grate 1 carrot and add that as well. I sometimes add a crushed clove of garlic as well) Once the meat is browned, turn onto a low heat and cover.
Turn your oven on if you are dining later and grill (Broiler) if you plan to eat when you have finished cooking.
Add the following in no particular order
about 1 cup of chopped green beans and/or peas (frozen ones are fine but tinned(canned) ones are too mushy)
1 large or 2 small crumbled beef bouillon cubes (I get friends to send me OXO cubes cos they;re the best). If you have the sort that don't crumble then melt them in a little hot water.
Good grind of pepper and salt
big sprinkle of parsley flakes
splash of soy sauce (leave this out if you don't have any)
big squirt of tomato sauce (ketchup to the USians)
Mix it all in and put the lid on.
There should be a little liquid but not heaps of runny at this point, if it seems a little dry add some water from the potatoes(and don't forget to check to the potatoes cos they are usually done at this point)
If the potatoes are done, drain them and put in a dash of milk, hunk of butter (at least 1/2 a stick) and lots of pepper and a good dash of salt. Turn the heat off, put the lid back on and put to one side for the moment (you need the butter to melt before you mash them)
go back to the meat and mix up 2/3 tablespoons of brown (beef) gravy mix with a little bit of hot water and pour in. I have the gravy granules so don't bother premixing, and just keep tossing enough in until it thickens. Turn the heat up to speed up the process if you need to. Taste (should be meaty) and add more salt or any more of the seasonings you think might make it taste better.
It should be thick enough to not slop off the spoon quickly, but not sticking to the pan or as runny as sloppy joes. When you think you've cooked it, turn it down to a low heat and mash the potatoes. I like them mashed with the masher and quite stiff. Add more salt and pepper to taste or more milk if they are too runny.
Spoon the meat into the casserole dish (or clean off the top if you are using the one you cooked in) and carefully pile the mashed potatoes to cover it. Ruffle it up with the fork and sprinkle cheese on top, add a slice of tomato(if you have a husband that eats them) or sprinkle a little paprika. We're big on cheese so we always make it nice and thick...crushed up potato chips are always good as well...this is comfort food, not low calorie!
If you are doing this in advance, bake in a medium over for about 40 minutes or until the cheese has melted, if you are eating immediately then just make sure it is still hot and the cheese is grilled on top.
I usually force a few more vegetables down M's throat by serving this by microwaving whatever is left lurking in the vege crisper...broccoli etc but it's good on it;s own.
Both Nana and Mum used to make this by grinding up leftover roast beef and mutton and adding the gravy. In other variations I've added fresh parsley to mash potatoes and more tomato to the meat.
Let me know how you get on...and enjoy!

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