June 17, 2005

Friday Feast

What's one word or phrase that you use a lot?
'Super' as in 'I've just spent an hour on the phone with Comcast an we got -insert long list of specials- from them for the next 6 months' 'Super'
Occainsonally i intersperse this with 'faaaaaaanstastic'just for a bit of variety

Name something you always seem to put off until the last minute.
Doing taxes...i have all the bits of paper ready but it's hard to hand over that money even if they already have it.

What was the last great bumper sticker you saw?
My sister saw one that said 'If you're not a hemmeroid get of my ass' and we're still laughing. My all-time favourite is 'my other car is a broomstick'

Main Course
If you could be invisible for one day, how would you spend your time?
Given than being invisible would also give me other powers like travel at the speed of light...I'd pop in on all my friends and family (starting with NZ when the sun rises) to see how they are doing in their day to day lives...you have been warned!
Oh and accidently stray into the allblack training camp changing rooms for a brief moment on the way
Describe your hair.
I think brown might be it's natural colour but who knows!

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