May 03, 2005

it's may - hooray

but it's still a little bit freezy around the fanny...had to bring the hanging baskets in last night so they didn't get frost bite and had a few snow flakes around yesterday morning...aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhh, when will this winter be OVER.
MIL and FIL came back from Florida in the weekend...not happy campers with the cold, think they have definately turned into snowbirds
Apparently a week or two of spring then winter then straight into summer is quite common. looking forward to the 'into summer' bit, yes indeedy.
Got the news from the lawyer today, the new owners have signed on the bottom line and we are officially sold.
very happy bout that
We did another driveby this weekend with MIL and FIL, had to change car's so they wouln't know it was us...though they might have figured it out after we drove around the block for the 3rd time.
MIL and FIL made polite noises about how much work it looked like it needed, but I think they liked it and most of all...they like that we love it. Can't wait to show them the inside, FIL likes fireplaces a lot (i think this might be his BBQ subsitute for winter) and ours is a doozy...made of great big stones and accessed through both sides.
Now we have to work out when we are actually going to move in, when we get the architects to have a look, how much work can we schedule before we move in..the list goes on.
At least I don't have to be a tidy around the house now that it's sold...that was damn near killing me!
Off to Cincinnati, Ohio for work tommorrow night...and then back to dayton Ohio for the weekend for a wedding.

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