May 04, 2005

most of the time

you never want to hear someone's train of thought when they go to the loo...or at least you don't say so in polite company...but anyways...just went to the loo and undid my trousers and:

my tights are tighter, my butt is bigger...
whaaaat, how can that be?...
I've been doing my physio exercises...
OK they are for bursitis in my hip but it's still exercise damnit...
and I'm playing volleyball (badly) for a work team...
and I didn't eat anything with wheat for lunch...
though peanut butter cookies for dinner cos M is out of town prob didn't help...
but my tights aren't constricting my tummy???
which usually bloats up first...
what the @#$%...
oh yeah...
my tights are on backwards...
mustn't laugh out loud in the loos at work...
they'll think I;m mad!

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