July 20, 2005

The cleaner arrived this morning

and I was expecting Toni (who's from Yugoslavia) and we got Gatunda, also from the eastern bloc. I always have mixed feelings about having a cleaner...on one hand the ghost of my mother scrubbing the floors whilst raising 4 kids on a farm seems to reproach me for 'outsourcing' the work. On the other hand, I hate cleaning, we'd much rather be doing other things and in the grand scheme of things, it seems we can afford this money for marital harmony. I rationalize it by knowing I was grateful for the work when I cleaned, my sister is when she does and paying someone to work is better than saving the money for charity(which I confess we probably wouldn't).
She looked a bit relieved when I indicated that she could hoover around the large piles of cardboard and paper still in the living room, and bit more gloomy contemplating the rather old and grubby looking bathtubs.
I just hope she's as good as Toni, who is definitely channeling the spirit of my mother when she scrubs the floor on her hands and knees!


Gordy said...

I posted your questions.

Anonymous said...

There is application Digeus Registry Cleaner I recommend to use it when operational system works slow, hangs or chashes. I also recommend to use Windsty Tune Up Suite. It is the smartest way to solve computer problems.