July 13, 2005

I am a glamorous Hollywood movie star...

you know how you'd see pictures of Hollywood film stars resting during the day with their eye shades on...well except for the fur trimmed slippers and the fact that I sleep scrunched up on my side...that could be me...really it could.
And all because we have no curtains in the bedroom. I knew there was a reason we'd collected those free eyeshades they hand out on the plane, they're for when people like us move into houses with no blinds.
The master bedroom has unusual windows with a long skinny window on top and two square ones underneath. I'm not sure what the previous owners did, perhaps they didn't care, but I can't find any evidence that there were ever curtains/blinds or even a sheet with drawing pins up there. We suspect that the fact they didn't;t wash the windows or screens for the past 2 years...so you look out through a grey haze might have acted as blinds.
So what are we going to do...start by having a long debate about what sort of curtains/blinds/sheetwithdrawingpins we might want...trek around the stores and prob end up buying on line when we've exhausted both the feet and heated discussions.
M has tested the 'can you see my boobies from the neighbor's' by standing in the driveway' and the answer is no...though my part of the test involved continuing my ironing in the bedroom...not standing nekkid waving my bodacious ta-ta's for the world to see!
Still, might go with the temporary sheet and drawing pins solution for fear of scaring the neighbor's too early on in the day!

1 comment:

Gordy said...

Excellent story. LMAO.

I think the sheet is a good idea, you don't want the neighbours raising a petition against you before you even get settled :-)